Thursday, May 24, 2012

I enjoy running....wait, what???

That's right, I said it, I enjoy running.  But none of that long distance run for a long time crap, no-sir-ree!  I am really enjoying my sprint workouts that I'm getting in 2x a week.  As I've said before, I sprint 50m, walk 50m for a total of 800m (that's 2 laps around the track).  I was hoping to add another lap today, but I've been sick with a cold this week, and my lungs were yelling at me after only 2.

I capped things off with Tabata core and a 20min yoga session.  And now from all of my sweating that lovely sunburn I got last Sunday is a bubbly mess!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Another morning in the weightroom!  It felt so good...even though I am S.O.R.E. right now.

Today's workout consisted of:
3x5 Hang Cleans
3x20 Russian Twists
3x20 Alternate Leg Box Jumps

Tomorrow morning I am heading back out to the track for some sprint work and some core exercises on a Tabata timer.  And maybe a little basic yoga to top it off!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Felt like old times!

Since my lungs are still full of gunk from this cold I'm fighting off, I figured sprints on the track probably wasn't the best idea this morning.  So I headed into the weightroom instead.

Squats 3x10
Shoulder Press 3x10

Hamstring Curl 3x10
Assisted Pullups 2x10
Bench Press 3x10

It felt good to get a full body workout in.  This is the closest I have come to the way I used to work out in college, and I am missed it!  Maybe this throwing comeback I've been joking about might actually be in the cards!  We'll see!

A fun Sunday & a sore throat

Sunday was so much fun!  I competed in my first outdoor track meet of the season and had a blast!  I threw the discus & the shot put and threw farther than I have in years.  It always shocks me at how far I can still throw after not training or lifting weights in so long.  But, boy am I sore today! (maybe that's just the sunburn though!!!)

I was throwing with a little bit of a sore throat though.  And it only got worse on Monday, so I sat out my workout yesterday.  I'm feeling a bit better now, so I plan on either hitting up the track or the weightroom this morning.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Week's Worth of Workouts!

I have worked out EVERYDAY this week! EVERYDAY!!!

Monday I did 800m of 50m sprint/50m walk; a core & pushup workout on a Tabata timer; and finished with a 20 minute session of Yoga For Complete Beginners

Tuesday I did a 200m jog warm up followed by sets of walking lunges, squats & curls with a 30lb sandbag

Realizing most of what I had done was lower body work, Yesterday I did a weightroom circuit of all upperbody exercises.  Bench Press, Cable Rows, DB Should Press, Barbell Curls, Straight Arm Triceps, Lateral & Front Should Raises, Tricep Pushdowns.  All on a 90sec timer, 3x10 each exercies.  You have 90sec to complete each set, with whatever time remaining as rest.

I'm working on cleaning up my diet.  Considering cutting out bread & pasta for a while, as I've been tracking my food consumption and realized they make up a majority of my diet, which isn't good!  We'll see what happens there.

Monday, May 7, 2012

It's been a while...

Well, I got a little sidetracked with work and got lazy with my workouts.  But I got back at it this morning, with a few battle scars to prove it!

I did a tire throwing workout today.  We have some small-medium car tires out at our track that we usually use for dragging behind runners attached with a rope.  I took off the ropes today and started chucking them.  I did reverse overhead throws for 200 meters chasing the tire (sprinting after it), followed by 200 meters of "hammer release" throws chasing after it.  I was WINDED after this, it was very intense.

Tomorrow I will either be going to the weightroom or doing a sprint workout out at the track.  Looking forward to it!