Friday, August 31, 2012

Finding long term motivation

For some crazy lucky people, working out and eating right come naturally.  It is a part of their routine and they thoroughly enjoy every minute of it.  I am not one of those people.  I need something tangible, something to chase, some THING to motivate me.  So when I talk with others about the need to find my motivation their usual first response is "you should do it to be healthy and for general quality of life."  While I do agree that is probably the BEST reason to exercise & eat healthy, it just doesn't do it for me.  What I do know is that when I have a goal with a set outcome, I am the fiercest competitor you will ever meet.  I will go above and beyond what is necessary to get what I want.  This was great for me as an athlete.  The outcome goals were to win, whether it was volleyball, softball, throwing, whatever.  Now that I have "retired" from full time competition, have no training partners, have no coach, what am I shooting for?  That is the #1 question I am trying to answer right now.

The other issue I have noticed is that I get bored easily.  The last time I lost a large amount of weight, I had a goal to get down to 200lbs.  I got down to 202.  I said "close enough" and what I was doing to lose that weight became boring to me, so I quit.  This summer I got back in the weightroom, I trained hard for 4 weeks.  I rocked out those 4 weeks.  I maxed out at the end, was so excited with my results, felt like I exceeded my goal, so I quit.  There is a major mental block going on somewhere.  Without being a full time athlete I really don't know how to motivate right now.

My question to you is what motivates you to eat right & go to the gym?

The hubby & I have embarked on a new journey selling lifestyle products including sports nutrition, weight management, green cleaning supplies & all natural beauty supplies with Shaklee.  So now it's time to find the motivation so I can walk the walk when I suggest to my athletes & clients to do the same.

If you're interested in making a change for the better in your life, please contact me, I'm glad to help!


We are embarking on a new journey, distributing products that we know, love & trust to keep us healthy.  If you are interested in learning more about the Shaklee line of home & health products, please feel free to click on the image above.  I'll be bringing you more posts in the future detailing just how we use these products in our training and everyday life.